Competitor Analytics
Spy on your competitors and benchmark your performance

Benchmark against Competitors
Social media competitor analysis is easy with Competitor Analytics. Benchmark engagement on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (Twitter) and YouTube with Competitor Analytics. Learn what works for your competitors and fine-tune your own social media content strategy.

Track Reaction Sentiment
Facebook Reactions (Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry) are a great way to competitively benchmark sentiment accurately on posts without the need for semantic analysis. Social Status also enables you to benchmark friend tagging in comments and emoji usage.

Spy on Competitor Content
Social Status Content Feed shows all competitor posts in a beautiful rich format enabling you to quickly see what kind of posts perform best. Sort by Engagement Rate, interactions, likes, comments, shares, sentiment or time.

Gain Strategy Insights
Uncover competitor content strategies by benchmarking media types, content pillars and post frequency. Determine optimal volume of posts per week based on competitor performance. Audit competitor content strategies and uncover themes and subjects that work best for engagement.

Social Media Analytics
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