LinkedIn Engagement Rate Benchmark
Monthly historical data

LinkedIn Benchmarks
Average LinkedIn Engagement Rate last month
Each month we publish the average LinkedIn Engagement Rate (ER) benchmark based on the hundreds of thousands of posts from all around the world indexed by Social Status. Data comes from our Profile Analytics tool which enables performance tracking of LinkedIn Company Pages.
The average Engagement Rate on LinkedIn last month was:
How has the LinkedIn Engagement Rate changed over time?
This chart shows the historical LinkedIn Engagement Rate for the past year. As you can see, the monthly average is seldom static so its important to benchmark your performance on LinkedIn against the monthly average. Use Profile Analytics to benchmark your LinkedIn Company Page.
How to calculate Engagement Rate on LinkedIn
There are two different ways to calculate the Engagement Rate (ER) on LinkedIn. There are no “right or wrong” ways to calculate it – just different approaches.
Let’s run through them…
1. Private Engagement Rate
This is the true way to calculate the LinkedIn Engagement Rate. It’s used here in this monthly benchmark and its what we recommend:
Post ER = (Likes + Comments + Shares + Video Views + Link Clicks) divided by Reach
Page ER = Average of all Post ER’s during the given time interval (ie: last month)
2. Private Engagement Rate (Likes, Comments & Shares only)
Some marketers base their ER on the Likes, Comments & Shares only:
Post ER = (Likes + Comments + Shares) divided by Reach
Page ER = Average of all Post ER’s during the given time interval (ie: last month)
The rationale for this is that Likes, Comments and Shares are real interactions whereas the others are not only hidden from public view but are also “light-weight” actions. As for Video Views, no physical action takes place but one could argue that someone watching a video is indeed engagement in itself.
What affects the LinkedIn Engagement Rate?
There are many factors which affect the performance of Page posts organically, here are just a few:
– The way people interact with your posts (likes vs comments vs shares)
– Using different media types (text vs photos vs videos)
– Changes to LinkedIn’s newsfeed algorithm
– Posting about different themes and subjects
– When you post (day and time)
– Using Hashtags or mentioning others

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